Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Cold winter and no summer hopes

where to start.
The winter is coming closely.

I have no ambitions..my soul is hollow.
I have no desire to keep thinking this one thought that seems
to be coming back into my mind.
I regret not showing ,caring,loving,betraying a good look. It sounds so simple ,but I appeared not to care.
I can not want something so much yet ,not putting any effort at all , how sad.How could I.

Is love,trust,and hoping worth the agony.
To wait is like waiting for summer to come from a long cold winter. Oh this winter is so cold .
It hurts..

This winter just may be the worst ... i have nothing to count on but the cold frigid streets and my lonely hand waiting to be held.

Oh I just want to get warm this winter ..just this once. It would be amazing.
I have one thing to put all my hopes on. God ,and my destiny that awaits .

Patients,love,respect,courage,hope,and God are the tools that keep me alive.

My winter has never felt so hopeless
so dull ..gloomy...I just do not want to talk to anyone, I dont know what to do to occupy my time,,but to listen to the snow fall and cover my sweet summer grass . Summer is what I wait for, its the only thing that has hope, summer never fails me.

With the bright sun that shines my heart, and my eyes. I just can not wait any longer . This winter ... I just hope for my lover to come and make my hands warm . 

:)winter winds

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Journey With my Friend

My Long Journey to Go ...

I have a plan,a journey to undergo with a friend. We want to find and experience the world in the most best,unique and exciting way. We decided to go on a journey, in which we get scared,determined, and nervous. We will not tell our friends or family. So yes we start our journey .....
I and Emily believe that there has to be much more to humanity and the actual reasons to be on Earth. I believe that God created the Earth for us to learn,discover,to be wise,to create,to listen,to taste,to hear,to feel,to touch ,and with these characteristics we have yet to embark on a journey . Emily and I believe we should use all of our human features in a way that allows us to experience our journey in the most interesting way. As we left our family and friends I did not have any feeling, I felt as though I should of left sooner, but what I feel is surreal , I do not know how to explain my feelings just yet, it is difficult. Yes ! I have left , but i care deeply for my family and friends that I left behind. Oh Yes ! oh how beautiful is the moon, I see the moon as I walk,I would say I never felt such passion .

We drive,Emily hand on the steering wheel , We do not know where we are heading , but the roads are filled with joy and nothing but opportunity. I am hungry, so I ask Emily what we must eat to survive . She insists that we stop by a gas station and grab some things.